Greetings - 
Thanks for visiting my site.
My goal with this website is to share some of the places and people I have seen and been lucky to photograph along my journeys. It is also a method to help me re-connect with the creative part of my mind and soul. As a family medicine resident, I sometimes find an active creative outlet lacking in the midst of learning the science (and art?) of medicine. 
I am by no means a professional photographer (as you can tell by my photos). I am simply someone with a hobby, which began when my father bought me a Nikon DSLR just before I studied abroad in Beijing, China. During my eight months abroad, I took over 10,000 photos -- many junk, but I am sure each frame contributing to my learning and growth as a photography enthusiast.
Unfortunately, as I graduated college and "grew up", searching for a "real job" and my "purpose" in life, my camera started to collect dust in my closet. It occasionally got pulled out with hiking trips in New Hampshire or family visits, but it certainly was not used to the extent that it was in Asia. This changed when I was able to spend almost a year in Belize prior to medical school. I assisted the clinic at which I was volunteering with fundraising videos and other PR materials. The new and fascinating environment of Southern Belize also provided me inspiration to capture more photos (including the portrait above).
Fast forward a few more years to today. As I have learned from other photographers, it is easy to capture many digital photos, let them accumulate, and struggle with editing them in a virtual darkroom. This has certainly been the case for me. Now, in my free time, I am finally getting around to "dusting off" some of the old digital files, learning about editing, and sharing some of my favorite memories with you. I hope you enjoy them.
Thank you!
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